Screening tests are done in people without symptoms to detect early problems that could lead to potential cancers, so that treatment can start at an early stage.
If you are having symptoms that you are worried could mean you have cancer you should arrange an appointment with the GP to discuss.
If you have a family history of certain cancers or conditions you may be offered different tests and at different intervals to the general population.
There are only 3 national screening tests available.
We encourage all of our patients to consider taking up the screening tests available.
The following tells you who can have these tests, where to get more information about what it involves & how to arrange the test if you think you’ve missed having one:
- Bowel cancer – If you’re aged 60-74 you will receive a screening test in the post every 2 years. You can request one if you’re 75 or over or if you’ve lost your kit by calling 08007076060.
Further Information
- Breast Screening – Mammogram invitations to attend are sent to women every 3 years aged 50 to 71. Your first appointment will be within three years of turning 50. You can request an appointment over 71 by calling the local screening centre: The Pennine Suite on 01274365521/2/3.
Further information
- Cervical screening – women will be invited up to 6 months before they turn 25 and then every 3 years up to age 49 yrs. From 50 to 64 years women will be invited every 5 years and only after that age if one of the last 3 tests was abnormal. This is not required if you have had a TOTAL hysterectomy. A test can be arranged at your GP surgery.
Further Information
In addition there is screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA – swelling of the large blood vessel in our tummies), which is not a cancer related conditions.
Men are invited to attend for screening at 65 years of age.
It’s a one-off test if everything is ok, but you may be monitored if a problem is found.
If you’re a man over 65 and never been screened you can contact the local aaa screening service on 01422 224204.
More information can be found at